
Fees & Cancellation Policy

Tuition is a flat monthly fee. If a holiday or weather inclined closure falls on a regularly scheduled day, participants pay the same rate for the month. Tuition for all classes is due on the first day of each month. All monthly tuition payments received five working days after the first day of each month are to include a late fee of $10.00. There will be an additional $10.00 fee for each week the tuition is late. A daily rate is used when a child begins the program mid- month. In the event of an emergency shut down outside of our control, we will evaluate each situation and communicate the next steps with respect to billing and tuition.

Evaluation of Rates:

Childcare tuition is evaluated annually in the fall. Families will be given a one-month notice of any increase. Increases take place in January.

Substitute Days:

If a child does not attend school because of illness, holidays or unexpected closures like weather or other emergencies, monthly tuition will not be affected.

Attendance Changes:

If a family plans to leave Evergreen Learning Center, we require a 30-day notice. If we are notified in less than 30 days, families are responsible for fees for the next month or fees that complete the 30 days.